Environmental Pollution and it's types | Health and Safety

Environmental Pollution and it's Type

Have a glance at the spritzer nature at its excited best turquoise blue sky, an eyeful of green sparkling waters barraging wilderness and what about the land of vanishing beauty shrinking open space of gray concrete sooty air, drying land, dirty waters, and endangered wilderness. This change, which is named environmental degradation has become a serious issue before the planet. Let’s then begin with water pollution. Pollution is an undesirable change in the physicochemical or biological characteristics of air, water, and soil. Due to the addition of materials or energy in quantity, and quality which is harmful to living beings including man, thus substances that contaminate air, water, and soil are called pollutants. Pollutants may be gases like carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides, and nitric oxides. Metals like lead, zinc, and Mercury. Chemicals like aldehydes, detergents, pesticides, herbicides, and CFCs sewage radioactive wastes, and soon types of pollution are air, water, land, noise, and pollution.

Air Pollution-

The major causes of air pollution are toxic gases and exhausts that are let out into the air by industries, volcanoes, jet planes, automobiles, forest fires, burning of garbage, etc. these contain many harmful gases that cause diseases in human beings.

Water Pollution-

Destruction of vegetation and damage to the structures on earth, these gases can also form acid rainwater pollution the effluence let into water bodies from industries, sewage from towns and cities, washing clothes and cattle in water bodies and such other reasons cause pollution. The residual fertilizers and pesticides carried into water bodies during rain also caused pollution. The list of pollutants are often quite long oil spills and oceans are another major cause that harms marine life.

Land pollution-

If you wizard big cities you will find heaps of solid wastes. In around the sources of land pollution are mainly houses, cattle sheds, industries and agricultural fields. It includes household wastes, glass, fruit and vegetable waste. Dead bodies of animals, old clothes, paper, plastic bottles, cans, excreta chemicals, wood pieces and so on. The heaps of solid wastes provide a breeding ground for germs, in addition to spoiling the beauty and surroundings they Emmett, found smell controlling land pollution disposal of waste should be done very carefully and scientifically, it depends on the kind of solid waste.
Solid waste originating from constructing material etc. are varied in urban areas as landfills solid wastes like plastics, tin cans, metal scrap, a paper must be recycled, wastes originating from plant materials and household organic material can be became biogas and are often obtained from biodegradable wastes. Waste from hospitals and nursing homes should be burned in incinerators.

Soil pollution-

Pollution of soil is somewhat a localized phenomenon as compared to air and pollution, which spreads to long distances. Soil pollution occurs due to two main reasons, by pollutants that are washed down from the atmosphere because of rain, insecticides, and pesticides that are applied to the crops. Both these alter the composition and quality of the soil.

Noise pollution- 

Noise can be defined as any unwanted sound. Sound is measured in a unit called decibel dB. The lowest sound measured in this unit is 1 decibel and the sound of a rocket taking off is about 180 decibels, in-between the two are various levels of sounds. When we talk normally the sound level is about 60 dB, noise is a pollutant because it produces several adverse effects on human beings and other animal life. The loudness and duration of noise is injurious to our physical and mental health, sudden loud noise may cause acute damage to the eardrum, and continued loud noise may cause deafness. Now as low because the efficiency of labor disturbs, and causes irritability.

Thermal pollution-

Thermal pollution includes release of any quite heated gases or heated water repeatedly into the environment including the water bodies if released within the atmosphere they warm up the air therein area and if released in water bodies they kill aquatic life.


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