Does Common Safety Mistakes in The Workplace COMMON SAFETY MISTAKES IN THE WORKPLACE Sometimes Make You Feel Stupid!!!

Does Common Safety Mistakes in The WorkplaceCOMMON SAFETY MISTAKES IN THE WORKPLACE Sometimes Make You Feel Stupid!!!

Some of the most dangerous situations come out of people making the simplest mistakes. so in this article, we're going to talk about some things that could help to keep you and others around you safe and healthy.

1. Housekeeping

Lack of housekeeping, and I know this sounds like a really simple item to miss and really and take care of when you're out in the field but a lot of people don't, in a messy and unkept work area can pose hazards to the people that actually work in the area as well as people that are walking around the area as well. Spilled oil or some other kind of liquid on the floor can someone slip over if someone runs an extension cord through the work-weary or through a walk area without being or without having it secured someone can trip over that and hurt themselves. Pallet bandings and zip ties that are broken up and playing on the floor if someone steps on, can be as slippery as ice so the first thing that you can do to keep yourself and others safe is clean your work area.

 2. Lockout and Tagout

Not using lockout and tagout process whenever you’re working on equipment or machinery several years ago there is a guy working for waste management and for those of you that don’t live in the U.S. waste management pretty much our garbage collection company but a man was working for waste management and had to get into a trash compactor to get some material that fell in the trash compactor and as he's in the trash compactor, the trash compactor started compacting and he didn't get out quick enough, he didn't die but he lost his legs crushed his legs and now he doesn't have two legs now, people can get false legs but some people can and can't afford that luxury, so some people are just left without legs, so it's very important if you're working on rotating equipment, if you're working on machinery or equipment, in general make sure you lock it out de-energize and tag it so people know that you're working on it so people don't accidentally start it up and then crush your legs or arms or electrocute you or smash you just whatever, use loto practices and I realized that i did say trash compactor.

3. Personal Protective Equipment

Improper use of personal protective equipment don't know what all that was about you walk through a work area and it's pretty easy that you're going to spot someone that's wearing a hard hat on backwards and really the only person that's on the job site that has the approval i guess i should say, to say to do that there are welders and that's really only whenever they're welding material together and they have their welding hoods on. some hard hat manufacturers don't allow you to do that but additional to that you also have to inspect your equipment properly and make sure you replace it whenever it needs to be replaced you can go to the work areas and you can see a lot of safety glasses or a lot of face shields that are scratched up all the heck and it's very hard for the employee to see out of them. those are the times where you need to replace the equipment they get a new one so people can actually see what they're doing. fall protection equipment you can see storage and gang boxes or the back of trucks or just regular storage locations that are stored with saw blades and other sharp objects that can rip into the material. it is very important that you inspect your equipment and it is very important that you replace it when you need to because damaged equipment is not going to do anything but increase the likelihood of you getting injured in the case that you needed to actually save you.

4. Unplanned Activities

Before you go out to the work area because winging it has always served us pretty well whenever we need to get done a lot of workplace injuries occur when people go out to the field and try to do work that was outside the scope, or as an unplanned activity they don't understand the full process, the full scope of what it entails to do the job safely it really doesn't matter how the job gets done but sitting down setting up a plan and asking yourself those what-if questions can help you identify the hazards that are in the area and the mitigating factors that can be put in place to help keep you and others around you safe.



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